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What is PCIe or PCI Express?
PCIe is short for “peripheral component interconnect express” and it’s primarily used as a standardized 💲 interface for motherboard components including graphics, memory, and storage. PCIe gets the “peripheral component interconnect” part of its name because 💲 it’s designed to handle point-to-point connections for non-core components. Manufacturers added “express” to distinguish the new standard from older PCI 💲 standards, emphasizing the substantial performance improvements over previous iterations. PCIE SLOTS AND CARDS A PCIe or PCI express slot is 💲 the point of connection between your PC’s “peripheral components” and the motherboard. The term “PCIe card” and “expansion card” simply 💲 refers to hardware, like graphics cards, CPUs, solid-state drives (SSDs), or HDDs, you may add to your device through PCIe 💲 slots, making both catch-all terms for a variety of components.
What are the standard PCIe sizes?
While different sizes and configurations do 💲 exist, most users will only encounter four primary size specifications. The size represents the number of direct connections provided by 💲 either a PCIe slot or card.
• PCIe x1